Climbing Olympics 2024 A New Era for the Sport - Flynn Sharman

Climbing Olympics 2024 A New Era for the Sport

The 2024 Paris Olympics

Climbing olympics 2024
The 2024 Paris Olympics will mark a significant moment for climbing, as it will be included in the Games for the second time. This will showcase the sport to a global audience and continue to drive its growth.

Climbing Events and Format, Climbing olympics 2024

The climbing events in the 2024 Olympics will be similar to those held in Tokyo 2020, with athletes competing in three disciplines: Lead, Bouldering, and Speed.

Combined Scoring System

The scoring system for the combined climbing event is based on the athletes’ rankings in each discipline. The combined ranking is determined by multiplying the ranking in each discipline and then adding them together.

The combined score = (Lead ranking x Bouldering ranking x Speed ranking) + (Lead ranking + Bouldering ranking + Speed ranking)

The athlete with the lowest combined score wins.


In Lead climbing, athletes attempt to climb as high as possible on a pre-set route within a set time limit.

  • The route is typically around 15 meters tall and features a variety of holds and challenges.
  • The climber with the highest point on the wall at the end of the time limit wins.
  • If two or more climbers reach the same point, the climber who completed the route in the fastest time wins.


Bouldering involves climbing short, challenging routes on a wall that is typically 4-5 meters tall.

  • The climber with the most successful ascents on four different routes wins.
  • If two or more climbers have the same number of successful ascents, the climber with the fastest time across all routes wins.


Speed climbing involves climbing a pre-set route as quickly as possible.

  • The route is typically 15 meters tall and features a fixed sequence of holds.
  • The climber with the fastest time wins.

Discipline Comparison

Discipline Scoring Method
Lead Highest point reached on the wall within a set time limit
Bouldering Number of successful ascents on four different routes
Speed Fastest time to climb a pre-set route

Notable Climbers to Watch in Paris 2024: Climbing Olympics 2024

Climbing olympics 2024
The 2024 Paris Olympics will feature climbing for the second time, and the competition is sure to be fierce. With a diverse field of athletes from around the world, it’s difficult to predict who will come out on top. However, there are a few climbers who stand out as potential medal contenders.

Top Climbers to Watch

These climbers have proven themselves on the international stage and are likely to be in the mix for medals in Paris.

Name Country Strengths Achievements
Janja Garnbret Slovenia Dominates in all disciplines, particularly bouldering and lead climbing Two-time World Champion in lead climbing, three-time World Champion in bouldering, Olympic gold medalist in combined climbing
Adam Ondra Czech Republic Known for his exceptional strength and power, excels in lead climbing World Champion in lead climbing, first climber to achieve a 9c (5.15c) grade
Alberto Ginés López Spain Strong climber in all disciplines, particularly excels in bouldering Olympic gold medalist in combined climbing, World Champion in bouldering
Brooke Raboutou United States Strong climber in all disciplines, known for her dynamic climbing style World Champion in bouldering, Olympic silver medalist in combined climbing

Challenges and Opportunities

The 2024 Olympics will present both challenges and opportunities for climbers. The combined format, which includes bouldering, lead climbing, and speed climbing, requires athletes to be well-rounded and versatile. This can be a challenge for climbers who specialize in one discipline. However, it also creates an opportunity for climbers with diverse skillsets to shine.

“The combined format is a great way to showcase the full spectrum of climbing, and it’s going to be exciting to see how athletes adapt and perform across all three disciplines.” – [Name of a prominent climber or coach]

The 2024 Games will also be a chance for climbers to gain global recognition and inspire the next generation of climbers.

Climbing olympics 2024 – Climbing’s gonna be massive at the Olympics next year, innit? I reckon they’ll be loads of sick moves and crazy climbs. Imagine chillin’ out after a big session on an orange metal outdoor chair , watching the replays and dissecting all the techy bits.

Gotta love that Olympic vibe, yeah?

Climbing at the 2024 Olympics is gonna be sick, bruv! It’s a proper mix of speed, bouldering and lead climbing, which is mental. If you wanna get a feel for what it’s all about, check out this sport climbing combined olympics video – it’ll show you what the hype is all about.

Can’t wait to see the climbers go for gold in Paris!

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